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1.) Zhou H, Ji X, Wu Y, Xuan J, Qi Z, Shen L, Lan L, Li Q, Yin Z, Li Z, Zhao Z. (2014) 'A Dual-Role of Gu-4 in Suppressing HMGB1 Secretion and Blocking HMGB1 Pro-Inflammatory Activity during Inflammation.'
2.) Zhao N, Watson N, Xu Z, Chen Y, Waterman J, Sankar J, Zhu D. (2014) 'In Vitro Biocompatibility and Endothelialization of Novel Magnesium-Rare Earth Alloys for Improved Stent Applications.'
3.) Yang J, Wang Q, Qiao C, Lin Z, Li X, Huang Y, Zhou T, Li Y, Shen B, Lv M, Feng J. (2014) 'Potent anti-angiogenesis and anti-tumor activity of a novel human anti-VEGF antibody, MIL60.'
4.) Xu Q, Xia P, Li X, Wang W, Liu Z, Gao X. (2014) 'Tetramethylpyrazine Ameliorates High Glucose-Induced Endothelial Dysfunction by Increasing Mitochondrial Biogenesis.'
5.) Xing S, Yang X, Li W, Bian F, Wu D, Chi J, Xu G, Zhang Y, Jin S. (2014) 'Salidroside Stimulates Mitochondrial Biogenesis and Protects against H 2 O 2-Induced Endothelial Dysfunction.'
6.) Voigt J, Christensen J, Shastri VP. (2014) 'Differential uptake of nanoparticles by endothelial cells through polyelectrolytes with affinity for caveolae.'
7.) Wang Q, Yang J, Tang K, Luo L, Wang L, Tian L, Jiang Y, Feng J, Li Y, Shen B, Ly M, Huang Y. (2014) 'Pharmacological characteristics and efficacy of a novel anti-angiogenic antibody FD006 in corneal neovascularization.'
8.) Umar MI, Asmawi MZ, Sadikun A, Majid AMSA, Al-Suede FSR, Hassan LEA, Altaf R, Ahamed MBK. (2014) 'Ethyl-p-methoxycinnamate isolated from kaempferiagalanga inhibits inflammation by suppressing interleukin-1, tumor necrosis factor-?, and angiogenesis by blocking endothelial functions.'
9.) Tong X, Lv P, Mathew AV, Liu D, Niu C, Wang Y, Ji L, Li J, Fu Z, Pan B, Pennathur S, Zheng L, Huang Y. (2014) 'The compensatory enrichment of sphingosine-1-phosphate harbored on glycated high-density lipoprotein restores endothelial protective function in type 2 diabetes mellitus.'
10.) Liu Q, Hou J, Chen X, Liu G, Zhang D, Sun H, Zhang J. (2014) 'P-Glycoprotein Mediated Efflux Limits the Transport of the Novel Anti-Parkinson's Disease Candidate Drug FLZ across the Physiological and PD Pathological In Vitro BBB Models.'
11.) Lim PJ, Chu JJH. (2014) 'A Polarized Cell Model for Chikungunya Virus Infection: Entry and Egress of Virus Occurs at the Apical Domain of Polarized Cells.'
12.) Guo W, Ding J, Zhang A, Dai W, Liu S, Diao Z, Wang L, Han X, Liu W. (2014) 'The Inhibitory Effect of Quercetin on Asymmetric Dimethylarginine-Induced Apoptosis Is Mediated by the Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Pathway in Glomerular Endothelial Cells.'
13.) AbuBakar S, Shu MH, Johari J, Wong PF. (2014) 'Senescence Affects Endothelial Cells Susceptibility to Dengue Virus Infection.'
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15.) AbuBakar S, Shu MH, Johari J, Wong PF. (2014) "Senescence Affects Endothelial Cells Susceptibility to Dengue Virus Infection."?Int j med sci. 11: 538.
16.) Adams Y, Kuhnrae P, Higgins MK, Ghumra A, Rowe JA. (2014) "Rosetting Plasmodium falciparum-Infected Erythrocytes Bind to Human Brain Microvascular Endothelial Cells In Vitro, Demonstrating a Dual Adhesion Phenotype Mediated by Distinct P. falciparum Erythrocyte Membrane Protein 1 Domains."?Infect immune. 82: 949-59.
17.) Guo W, Ding J, Zhang A, Dai W, Liu S, Diao Z, Wang L, Han X, Liu W. (2014) "The Inhibitory Effect of Quercetin on Asymmetric Dimethylarginine-Induced Apoptosis Is Mediated by the Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Pathway in Glomerular Endothelial Cells."?Int j mol sci. 15: 484-503.
18.) Lim PJ, Chu JJH. (2014) "A Polarized Cell Model for Chikungunya Virus Infection: Entry and Egress of Virus Occurs at the Apical Domain of Polarized Cells."?PLoSnegl trop dis. 8: e2661.
19.) Liu Q, Hou J, Chen X, Liu G, Zhang D, Sun H, Zhang J. (2014) "P-Glycoprotein Mediated Efflux Limits the Transport of the Novel Anti-Parkinson's Disease Candidate Drug FLZ across the Physiological and PD Pathological In Vitro BBB Models."?PloS one. 9: e102442.
20.) Tong X, Lv P, Mathew AV, Liu D, Niu C, Wang Y, Ji L, Li J, Fu Z, Pan B, Pennathur S, Zheng L, Huang Y. (2014) "The compensatory enrichment of sphingosine-1-phosphate harbored on glycated high-density lipoprotein restores endothelial protective function in type 2 diabetes mellitus."?Cardiovascdiabetol. 13: 82.
21.) Umar MI, Asmawi MZ, Sadikun A, Majid AMSA, Al-Suede FSR, Hassan LEA, Altaf R, Ahamed MBK. (2014) "Ethyl-p-methoxycinnamate isolated from kaempferiagalanga inhibits inflammation by suppressing interleukin-1, tumor necrosis factor-&aplha;, and angiogenesis by blocking endothelial functions."?Clinics. 69: 134-44.
22.) Voigt J, Christensen J, Shastri VP. (2014) "Differential uptake of nanoparticles by endothelial cells through polyelectrolytes with affinity for caveolae."?ProcNatlAcad Sci. 111: 2942-47.
23.) Wang Q, Yang J, Tang K, Luo L, Wang L, Tian L, Jiang Y, Feng J, Li Y, Shen B, Ly M, Huang Y. (2014) "Pharmacological characteristics and efficacy of a novel anti-angiogenic antibody FD006 in corneal neovascularization."?BMC biotechnol. 14: 17.
24.) Xing S, Yang X, Li W, Bian F, Wu D, Chi J, Xu G, Zhang Y, Jin S. (2014) "Salidroside Stimulates Mitochondrial Biogenesis and Protects against H 2 O 2-Induced Endothelial Dysfunction."?Oxid med cell longev. 2014: 904834.
25.) Xu Q, Xia P, Li X, Wang W, Liu Z, Gao X. (2014) "Tetramethylpyrazine Ameliorates High Glucose-Induced Endothelial Dysfunction by Increasing Mitochondrial Biogenesis."?PloS one. 9: e88243.
26.) Yang J, Wang Q, Qiao C, Lin Z, Li X, Huang Y, Zhou T, Li Y, Shen B, Lv M, Feng J. (2014) "Potent anti-angiogenesis and anti-tumor activity of a novel human anti-VEGF antibody, MIL60."?Cell molimmunol. 11: 285-93.
27.) Zhao N, Watson N, Xu Z, Chen Y, Waterman J, Sankar J, Zhu D. (2014) "In Vitro Biocompatibility and Endothelialization of Novel Magnesium-Rare Earth Alloys for Improved Stent Applications."?PloS one. 9: e98674.
28.) Zhou H, Ji X, Wu Y, Xuan J, Qi Z, Shen L, Lan L, Li Q, Yin Z, Li Z, Zhao Z. (2014) "A Dual-Role of Gu-4 in Suppressing HMGB1 Secretion and Blocking HMGB1 Pro-Inflammatory Activity during Inflammation."?PloS one. 9: e89634.
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31.) Guo W, Zhang D, Wang X, Kong W, Zhang Q, Zhang Y, Liu W. (2013) "Actin cytoskeleton modulates ADMA-induced NF-kappaB nuclear translocation and ICAM-1 expression in endothelial cells."?Med Sci Monit. 17: BR242
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35.) Zhao XC, Dou GR, Wang L, Liang L, Tian DM, Cao XL, Qin HY, Wang CM, Zhang P, Han H. (2013) "Inhibition of Tumor Angiogenesis and Tumor Growth by the DSL Domain of Human Delta-Like 1 Targeted to Vascular Endothelial Cells."?Neoplasia. 15 :815-25
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39.) Zhang W, Ni C, Sheng J, Hua Y, Ma J, Wang L, Zhao Y, Xing Y. (2013) 'TLQP-21 Protects Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells against High-Glucose-Induced Apoptosis by Increasing G6PD Expression.'
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I am just wondering this medium can be used for the culture of murine endothelial cells? Thank you very much!
Posted by Manoj Sharma on Tuesday, January 12, 2016
We never tested the medium for murine cells
could you tell us the composition of media 1001--we just need to compare to another company's product we are using
Posted by Manoj Sharma on Thursday, January 7, 2016
Hello Grace,
The complete composition of our medium is proprietary so we
cannot share with customers. However, if you would like to know the
concentration of some specific components, we will be more than happy to
help you.thanks for your interest
Hi,is it suitable for culture of rat endothelial cells?
Posted by Manoj Sharma on Monday, August 17, 2015