Intrahepatic biliary epithelial cells (IBEpiC) line the intrahepatic biliary tree, a complex three-dimensional network of tubular conduits of varying diameters within the liver. They comprise only 3 – 5% of the total population of liver cells, yet produce as much as 40% of the daily output of bile. A number of studies have demonstrated that IBEpiC play an important role in maintaining, modifying and augmenting the composition of canalicular bile by a coordinated series of hormone-regulated secretory and absorptive processes [1]. IBEpiC also have an active immunologic role in both the innate and adaptive immune responses. IBEpiC secrete chemokines and cytokines and serve to localize the immune response by expressing critical cell adhesion molecules [2]. Under basal conditions, IBEpiC are thought to be mitotically dormant, however, IBEpiC proliferate markedly in response to injury [3]. Cultured Human IBEpiC (HIBEpiC) are a useful in vitro model for studying biliary cirrhosis and liver disease.
HIBEpiC from ScienCell Research Laboratories are isolated from human liver tissue. HIBEpiC are cryopreserved after purification and delivered frozen. Each vial contains >5 x 10^5 cells in 1 ml volume. HIBEpiC are characterized by immunofluorescence with antibody specific to cytokeratin 18. HIBEpiC are negative for HIV-1, HBV, HCV, mycoplasma, bacteria, yeast and fungi. HIBEpiC are guaranteed to further expand for 10 population doublings in the condition provided by ScienCell Research Laboratories.
推薦培養基:上皮細胞培養基 (EpiCM, Cat. #4101)
5 x 10^5 /1ml
人肝內膽管上皮細胞 HIBEpiC 人肝內膽管上皮細胞 HIBEpiC 人肝內膽管上皮細胞 HIBEpiC 人肝內膽管上皮細胞 HIBEpiC 人肝內膽管上皮細胞 HIBEpiC 人肝內膽管上皮細胞 HIBEpiC 人肝內膽管上皮細胞 HIBEpiC 人肝內膽管上皮細胞 HIBEpiC
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