推薦培養基:神經細胞培養基(NM, Cat. #1521)
1 x 10^6 /1ml
人神經元 HN 人神經元 HN 人神經元 HN 人神經元 HN 人神經元 HN 人神經元 HN 人神經元 HN 人神經元 HN
何經理,合肥星肽生物科技有限公司,Tel:0551-63802898 400-8702-898,
E-mail:info@qingbio.com http://m.27846.cn QQ:514713116
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I was wondering what information was available on the source of the neurons, such as age, gender, brain region, and health (for example any diseases or known genetic conditions?
ScienCell is always happy to provide any donor information we have on our inventory. As it is always changing please email us at info@sciencellonline.com for updated donor information on this catalog item.